@blockstack SAID:
The Stacks 2.0 mainnet will reach code completion by 12/15; along with launch partners, we’re setting 01/14 as the launch date. Upon code completion, @StacksOrg & @STXDaemon will award 1 million $STX to help independent miners launch the Stacks network. blog.blockstack.org
1. 이벤트 아젠다
1) 이벤트: 블록스택(STX), Mainnet Stacks v.2.0
2) 일시: 2021년 1월14일 (UTC기준)
2. 토큰(업로드일 기준)
1) 시세: 280,524,861,760 KRW
2) 거래량: 8,769,469,156 KRW
3) 유통량: 711,834,032 STX
3. 주요링크
- 웹사이트: https://blockstack.org/
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