@pchain_org SAID:
#PCHAIN completed its 5th monthly 50m PI burn! 25m + 25m from the Team & Foundation wallets Currently worth ~$500k+ ~2.76% of the Total Supply, now 1.76bn $PI Tx Hash 1: piscan.pchain.org Tx Hash 2: piscan.pchain.org Burn Wallet: piscan.pchain.org
1. 이벤트 아젠다
1) 이벤트: 피체인(PI), Coin Burn
2) 일시: 2021년 1월15일 (UTC기준)
2. 토큰(업로드일 기준)
1) 시세: 7,233,573,039 KRW
2) 거래량: 68,412,944 KRW
3) 유통량: 798,053,162 PI
3. 주요링크
- 웹사이트: https://www.pchain.org/
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