On December 16th Aion will be rolling out a mandatory hardfork to the Aion Network. This hardfork includes updates and improvements to resolve issues that the network has been facing as well as improve performance.
1. 이벤트 아젠다
1) 이벤트: 아이온(AION), Hard Fork
2) 일시: 2020년 12월 16일 (UTC기준)
2. 토큰(업로드일 기준)
1) 시세: 45,517,991,252 KRW
2) 거래량: 10,646,144,020 KRW
3) 유통량: 487,496,874 AION
3. 주요링크
- 웹사이트: https://theoan.com/
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