@NEMofficial SAID:
#NEM and StakeHound @stakedTokens are excited to announce that #stakedXEM will go live on Ethereum on the 7th of December! You can start onboarding $XEM into #DeFi - read our blog to learn how to join the stakedXEM HUNT and where to start! http://ow.ly/3qeN50CmZOH #liquidstaking
1. 이벤트 아젠다
1) 이벤트: 뉴이코노미무브먼트(XEM), StakedXEM
2) 일시: 2020년 12월 7일 (UTC기준)
2. 토큰(업로드일 기준)
1) 시세: 1,288,904,440,710 KRW
2) 거래량: 43,546,592,531 KRW
3) 유통량: 8,999,999,999 XEM
3. 주요링크
- 웹사이트: https://www.nem.io/
댓글 1개
2020.11.30 08:19:28
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