2018년 11월 AMM (https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary/automated-market-maker-amm) 형태로 론칭된 유니스왑 프로토콜 거버넌스 토큰으로 UNI를 이더리움 메인넷에서 출시 (https://www.tokenpost.kr/article-42547)
- 이더리움 주소 : 0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984
- UNI 출시로 이더리움 Gas 비용이 500 Gwei까지 상승 (https://www.tokenpost.kr/article-42561)
- UNI 토큰의 이체 수수료가 ETH 네트워크 전체 수수료의 18.57%를 차지하며, GAS 소모가 가장 높은 컨트랙트로 부상 (https://www.tokenpost.kr/article-42604)
참여 풀
- WBTC-ETH 풀 유동성은 17일 이후 900% 급증 (https://www.tokenpost.kr/article-42736)
Genesis UNI 배분
Initial release:
- 15% to the community airdrop.
- 2% to liquidity mining (over the course of 3 months).
Vesting over 4 years:
- 43% to the governance treasury (explained in more detail below).
- 21.51% to team members and future employees.
- 17.80% to investors (i.e. early VCs who funded Uniswap).
- 0.69% to advisors.
UNI 공급 계획
UNI 거버넌스
UNI 가격 추이
참고 :
- https://insights.glassnode.com/uni-token-is-uniswap-really-decentralized/
- https://defiprime.com/uniswap-explained
- https://eng.ambcrypto.com/uniswap-explained-a-super-detailed-guide-on-uniswap-by-nowpayments/
- https://blog.coinmarketcap.com/2020/09/23/stablecoin-stamp-of-approval-inside-unis-distribution-a-data-perspective-by-intotheblock/
- https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/uniswap/
댓글 1개
2020.10.06 01:17:46
Uniiswap Liquidity : https://www.tokenpost.kr/forum/free/33471